Friday 21 January 2011

A2 Media Studies - Evaluation Q3

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

During the whole process of making the music video, we used a lot of different technologies that were provided for us by the college, as well as the sites and other things that are available to us now because of the internet. One of the things we got to use was a brand new state of the art video camera. 

We used this camera to practice how to film music videos, as well as making our actual film. It was really easy to use and we could transfer our footage easily because the storage implement of the camera was a memory card. This allowed us to use our footage straight away after filming.

We also used digital cameras to document what we were doing during the making of our video. we also used digital cameras to make our animatic for our presentation.

another device we were able to take advantage of was the green screen. Green screens are very useful but takes quite an effort when it comes to editing as we needed to learn chroma keying. All in all, using the green screen allowed us have a choice in what background to choose, and not be too reliant on finding awesome locations. We also used this so that the focus is on the artist. Having no mise-en-scene allows the audience to focus on the artist and the artist alone.

The internet was very useful during the research stage. Before planning, we had to look for inspiration and the main website we turned to was Youtube.

Youtube is a video sharing website that allows you to upload your own videos and view others'. During our research, we looked at music videos on youtube from different genres until we settled on RnB. Youtube was also useful for us during our planning stage as it's the website we used to look at videos where we can get inspiration and hopefully apply some aspects to ours.

We also used Google Images a lot to find pictures of digipaks and advertisements.

Throughout the whole research, planning and evaluation stages, we used blogger to document our journey. Blogger allowed us to write about what we've done and also post pictures and videos. It proved to be very vital throughout the whole process.

Aside from the internet, We were also able to use several softwares that made it possible for us to produce our video and our digipaks and advertisements. 

This is Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Pro is an editing software we used to put together our footage and edit them to suit the song. There are many tools that come with this software and this software enabled us to be creative with our video.

This is one of the effects we implemented in our video.

This is a video filter called chroma keyer, which is used with the green screen

As well as final cut pro, we were also able to use photoshop to create our digipaks and advertisements.

This program allowed me to play about with the pictures and use effects until i got what i wanted. This is  Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Being able to use these different technologies not only helped me with my finish products, but also taught me what to do and what no to. These technologies have also made me more confident for the next time I make a music video, because I have more knowledge on how to do it, than i did before.

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