Wednesday 12 January 2011

Audience feedback: Evaluation Question 4

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Audience comments on the music video.

Overall the feedback we recieved from everyone was very positive. The advanced use of editing was one of the most commonly praised features of our music video, especially the comic book effect which was used at the beginning and end of the music video.
my editing skills are very developed becayse i have been able to work on them at home Ive learned alot and will  to continue to work on them at home and experiment with fcp. Because its been given so much praise I will
try and integrate the comic book effect and other effects featured in the video in future work.
My feedback from my teacher: More varied shots in the middle section, too much of camilla against purple background.
If i could change anything we couldve had more varied shots and included more clips from the outdoor location we had .


1 comment:

  1. Hello Nigel
    I like the way you've chosen to show your audience feedback here. Remember that the question asks you to reflect on 'what you've learned' and so you'll need to make sure that you include somewhere in your response to question 4 something about what you would do different next time and why.
