Wednesday 19 January 2011

Evaluation question 3

For our music video we used a lot of media technologies  one of the main technologies we used was a brand new state of the art video camera while making, planning, evaluation and researching for our music video. The video cameras where very helpful in the planning stages of our video especially for our animatic. They were also helpful in filming extra things such as our behind the scenes clip. Using these Cameras we were able to zoom in and out to make close ups of the artist and make high quality video clips.

Memory cards and the video drives saved our filmed clips and pictures and transfer our work from the cameras on to the computers. helped us choose our final song and get ideas from other music videos for our music video.It also helped for my evaluation i was able to get screen shot images from music videos to be able to compare videos.

Blogger enabled us to write our blogs and upload pictures and videos. Vimeo allowed us to upload our video in a good quality and view other students work.

I used Photoshop for the construction of my ancillary products, my digipak and advertisement. On photoshop i was able to edit the colour of my image, pick a background colour, make a border for my digipak. It also added text to my digipak using photoshop. I also made my advertisement with photoshop. I used 

 I used hue saturation to change the colour of the picture and make me look less orange.

i also used the blur tool for the background of my picture to make the background look smoother.

We edited our video using Final cut pro. We changed the green screen colour to purple using the chroma key. We decided to use purple to make it more feminine. We also used cross dissolves and fades, also we overlapped between scenes. We decided to do this because we wanted our video to be interesting, we also saw it in the original video.

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