Monday 17 January 2011

Audience feedback question 4

How would you change our product in relation to this feedback?

We received feedback from our target audience, people aged from 16-24. think its important to receive feedback from your audience as they see your video in a different light from you . Especially as I was the main character in my video I often tended to analyse and criticise the way i looked in  certain shots but once receiving the feedback from some people I felt more confident that my performance in the video was of a good standard. It is also good when people commented on how we could improve our video, as they mentioned things that we, as a group didn't notice for example 'to many green screen shots' . It makes you realise there is always room for improvement. The best feedback is most defiantly positive feedback because it makes you feel that people appreciate the time an effort you have put into your video.  

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