Monday 17 January 2011

Evaluation Question 1

One of our influences for our video was I like you- Mz Bratt because Mz Bratt is a young urban,fashionable artist aswell . We were influenced by the still shots in the video and the plain background. We also were influenced having a male in the video to sing to.  Using close ups of the artist to establish a connection between the artist and the audience is convention often used in videos.

Here are some screenshots from the video that are simular to our video.

We were also influenced by the original video Hero by Cleo sol. Here are some still shots from her video that are similar to still shots from our video.

The white back ground with a silver retro microphone was an idea we got from the original video.


We also of a shot of a watch on the word "time" in the song like in the original video

In the original there is also minimal characters with the camera mainly focusing on the artist

The comic shots were also an element in the video as the song is called 'Hero' we decided to also have some comic cartoon shots.

We didn't try to break any conventions in our video we tried to replicate them by using good shots and fast editing to match the song and its genre. We also had a bit of a narrative in our video, (when the artist meet a boy) which is also a typical convention. The editing of our video is fast and in time with the beat of the music. We also used some effects to make it more interesting and stand out more. We tried to use a variety of locations to keep the audience peeled and entertained , so that they would want to watch the video till the end.

My digipak also meets the conventions by using a clear image of a close up of the artist making ye connection with the audience on the front cover. It also uses clear slender feminine writing. My digipak and advertisement also use the same colour scheme of black, gold and purple as in the video. I was influenced by the cover of Cassie's single , where there is a clear image of her as well as the writing being feminine and a consistant colour scheme throughout.

My advertisement the the front cover of my digipak on it. It also has tour dates, website adress, as well as the release date of the album. My advertisement also has the same colour scheme, Font and the AG logo from the video to make it recognisable. 

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