Thursday 30 September 2010

Lip Sync Tutorial

During one of our media lessons, we were given a task to film a music video in an hour so we can practice our lip syncing abilities. Through lip syncing tutorial, I learnt the key steps to make a music video which consist of : singing rather than miming as this makes it look more natural and using at least four different types of camera work: Extreme close up, Mid Shot, Pan & Track

We used final cut pro to edit our footage. With Final Cut Pro, I learnt a way to make sure that the soundtrack and the video are synched together . This can be done by taking a word from the song for example, 'her', and editing the amplitudes where you then mark and drag this down to the timeline. Cutting your recorded piece of clip at the same point and placing on the timeline makes it effective and leaves you almost with a music video in sync. Using a handheld camera was difficult since we were not allowed to use tripods. However this did help us use the oppurtunity to get used to hand-held cameras. 

all in all, i learnt a lot through this tutorial and now i feel ready to do our coursework. Here are pictures we took during the task:

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