Monday 20 September 2010

Andrew Goodwins theory: Summary (Research)

Andrew Goodwin's theory is a very interesting outlook on music videos. He believes that using the same structure of analyzing a TV drama for a music video would be incorrect as they don't apply to music videos. The narrative of the both types of videos have a different approach.
Such as the use of repetition used when the chorus is being played for example, it's used to effect, or the approach of the singer looking directly into the camera, pulling in the viewer through use of performance. As well as the singer usually playing the narrator in music videos, they can also play both as the character to demonstrate the song they are singing about. This creates a even wider gap in differentiating the different approach a music video has. Goodwin also points out that pop videos always have an ending, whether that is through the use of fading or building to a climax.
He also stated that they are three types on the different relations to the song and video;

This is when there is a literal interpretation of the lyrics through performance.
Usher and R.Kelly- Same Girl

I decided to use this music video as an example to demonstrate this. As you can see the clips shown through the music video are in relation to the lyrics clearly.

Many videos use this to demonstrate stronger meanings to the lyrics of the song, adding more layers.
TLC- Waterfall

Even though there is some visual relation to the lyrics, there is a much more stronger meaning in the muisc video.

Some videos use this, showing no relation or connection to the lyrics.
B.o.b ft Hayley Williams- Airplanes

Such as this music video, there are no airplanes or shooting stars in the music video, but the way they filmed it as well as the setting worked effectivly.

I believe that Goodwin's theory is correct and looking at the many music videos that fit these diferent types confirm this.

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