Sunday 26 September 2010

Analysis of music video

In media we analysed music videos through  narrative, genre, representation and media language. The video i am going to analysis is pixie lott- boys n girls 

The genre of pixie lott is pop. the video it is taken in a house. the lighting isnt natural. pixie is wearing very fashionable clothing that most people that listed to pop would wear the other people in the video also look fashionable.

The artists is the participant as she is filmed dancing and narrator because she also lip-syncs to the song. The song has a clear chorus at every chorus we see the artist dancing with a group of other people and during the chorus she is mostly alone singing. 

Media Language
The editing of this video was done professionally , the lip sync is in time and the music is in time with her dancing. Close up are used on pixie to sow her facial expressions and mid shot and long shots are used to shoe her had gestures, dancing and body language. the editing is fast passed to make the video up beat like the music.

The close ups of pixie lott and other people make the video seem more personal the dancing in the video makes it fun and want to watch and copy her.

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