Monday 20 September 2010

Analysis of music video(Research)

In class, we have learned how to analyse music video's in relation to narrative, genre, representation and media language. I decided to analyse the music video by Example-Love kicks.

The structure of this music video is linear, however they are mixed concepts of the structure throughout the video such as the split screen, some that are relevant but others that aren't. There is an equilibrium in this music video because it begins with him pictured with his girlfriend and ends with the same visualisation; showing that there is no disruption of the romantic atmosphere that took place from start. The artist's position in the music video acts as the participant as he is filmed spending time with his girlfriend and narrator because he also lip-syncs to the song.

I would say that kick starts is a sub-genre of pop. The music video was taken place in a house with split screen of other characters shown through the video. There is natural lighting and different colors through the use of clothes that were worn by the many people who are in the video. This gives it a laid back-type song for everyone. The girlfriend being played in the video already shows that the song is about a girl or relationship and the other people in the video dancing takes away the seriousness of a typical love song and made into more of dance type genre. They all are wearing casual but trendy clothes which demonstrates that it's aimed at people who are young and keep in with current trends.

Media Language
The editing was used to good effect, the timing being perfect on the beat of the song. Typically being slower when showing the artist participating in the music video, many close ups of the
girlfriends facial expression were used that also shows his point of view. But fast cuts were used as well as multi and split screen during the chorus. The effect of the editing had a overall chilled but upbeat mood of the video.

As there were many close ups of the the woman's face and the artists, it already gives out the representation of a relationship. Unlike your typical r'n'b music videos, there weren't any close
ups of her body.

Using the many concepts to analyse, I was able to gather that through the use of editing,genre, narrative and media language it was an upbeat laid music video that had elements of pop and dance in it.

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