Friday 1 October 2010

A2 Media Studies - Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin felt that traditional narrative analyses don't apply to pop videos. His reasons were that pop videos revolve around songs and most of the time, songs don't have traditional narrative structures. He also felt this way because in pop videos, the singer can be both the narrator and a character. Another reason was that singers who are in the video look directly at the camera which makes them appear to involve the viewers at home. 

Some videos are independent from the music they spring from. The visualisation of a song may go beyond the original meaning. Sometimes, the video gives visual pleasure which makes the video able to be repeated which then promotes the video. Sometimes, videos might be promoting films. This being said, there are three types of relations between songs and videos: Illustration, Amplification and Disjuncture.

Illustration: This is where the video tells the story of the lyric. 

Kickstarts - Example

Amplification: occurs when the videos introduce new meanings that do not contradict with the lyrics but add layers of meaning.

Sugababes -  Ugly

Disjuncture: This is where there is little connection between the lyrics and the video or where the video contradicts the lyric.

Love Lost - The Temper Trap

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