Sunday 26 December 2010

Evaluation question 4 : Audience Feedback

After our music video was viewed on the big screen we asked other students what they thought about
our  music video. Most of the feedback was really positive and the audience noticed and appreciated
the amount of work we put in to finish with a well thought out and entertaining final video.
We made a video compilation of a few comments made by the other students that watched our
music video.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Overview of Do's and Dont's of design work

Use a clear font
-Use an appropriate image in terms of both size and appearance of image
-Plan effectively
-Use time efficiently
-Be creative
-Think carefully about positioning of image and text
-style of text should follow typical media conventions
-Possibly establish visual links in order for the audience to identify with artist
-Act on feedback and constructive criticism

-use inappropriate images or fonts that do not represent the genre or followbasic media conventions
-Don't stretch images as it reduces the quality
-Don't spend too long on one thing, if it doesn't work move on and try something else.
-Don't try to be too ambitious if it isn't feasible.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

mock up of adverstisement

Picture for front cover which is going to be the image on the advertisement.

Monday 13 December 2010

Sunday 12 December 2010

Photos that you plan to use on your Digipak and Advertisment – include brief overview of reasons why they are in your shortlist (planning).

   These are the pictures i wil be using for my digipack.
The two photographs at the top will be for the font and back. Suh as the musi video, it's a purple background which has relations to the musi video as well as what she i wearing. They are god photographs as they seem like the kind of photographstat will be used by an up and coming R'n'B artist.

The photographs belo will be used for the inside panels of the digipack. The clothes she is wearing is what she wore for one of the outside scenes in the music video.

Mock-up of Digipak (planning)

This is the mock-up of my digipak.

Analysis of 3 advertisements

These are the advertisements that I looked at for inspiration. RnB adverts are quite flashy and glamourous. This relates to what my advert is going to be like because these are from the same genre and the same audience. Having the adverts look this way is appealing for audiences because it enables them to look up to the artists as if they are perfect and unflawed.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Short list of fonts, colours, layout and design

I'm going for a simple look for my digipak so i've chosen to use fonts that aren't too adventurous. Here are some of my choices:

Impact Bold/ Impact Bold Condensed

Helvetica Neue Ultra light

Billboard Condensed
The writing will be either white or black, depending on the background colour.

As a group, we have decided that our colour scheme would be black, gold, purple and white.

Planning for digipak and advertisement

I plan to use these images for my front two panels as the artist is in the same outfit as in the video so it directly links to our music video also it is a clear image of the artist and she is also making eye contact with the audience which makes them feel as if she is engaging with them.

I will use these two images in the inside two panels of my digipak as the coat is from another scene in the music video so they also have a link to it.

The colour scheme for my digipak are purple , yellow/gold , black 

for my advertisement i will use the same font and colour scheme as my digipak i will also use the same image as the front panel of my digipak

Analysis of Rihanna's digipak, video, website and myspace (Research)

Rihanna is the perfect example of how different media products can link together to promote an artist. The whole world is in love with her at the moment and I feel that the way she her media products have been produced has played a part in winning over all of her fans worldwide.

She has had a drastic image change and dyed her hair to red. A very bold and distinguished colour, she really wanted to stand out. She has achieved phenomenal chart success toppingg charts all over the world.
The "red and pink" theme that she has right now is featured almost everything shes involeved in. The boldness of the colour helps audiences familiarize with Rihanna using visual links. From her website to myspace to her music videos the Red and pink theme is featured all over them.

Only Girl in The World Video
 This video was the first single release taken from her album. There are very strong and obvious visual links with her other media products.


   Rihanna LOUD digipak

Asyou can see there are strong visual links between her digipak and the music video. The warm red tones and the floral theme. The front cover of her digipak is quite simple. Its just a close up of her and her name and title written in a simple but stylish font.

 The inside of her digipak is still strongly linked with the music video. The photos used were obviuosly taken at the set of her video. Although the digipak is simple it is very classy and fashionable. I really like how her photo continues from the first panel on to the second panel and the rose bushes continue throughout the digipak. Another think i have noticed is that her costumes are white or light pink and also white and black stripes. This goes with the whole theme but I also think they wanted the red to stand out even more.
Rihanna's website        

Rihanna's Myspace and adverts

Rihanna's website

Friday 10 December 2010

Short-list of fonts, colours, layout and design ideas (planning)

Front cover idea
I want to use a close up of Amber Gold as she is an up and coming artist so the audience will able to recognise her easily. I wont be adding many effects on the front cover. I also want to us a gold font of her name, highlighting her artist name as well as standing out fromthe rest of the words.

I want to join the two panels with a fading effect on phototoshop. Also, to keep up with the comic theme in the music video, i will be using some comic book effects.

Colour scheme

We will be using the clours purple-matching the backgound she performed in the music video gold, white and black

Saturday 4 December 2010

Design decisions

 Digipak ideas
color scheme
gold black white with elements of purple
background black
gold writing
name of the album: hero

2. Let me be
4.Up high
5.Protect me
6.In life
7.Strength in me
8.No game
9.On time
10. Baby dont you know
11. Hero ft Bobby myles (Bonus track)

white background
gold border
tour dates:
London  02 area  07.01.11
Islington 02 academy 18.2.11
Koko  26.2.11

Thursday 2 December 2010

Analysis of 3 advertisments (Research)

Such as our singer Amber Gold. Beyonce featured in this advert is wearing a gold top, matching with the font. The colour scheme is basic yet effective. With the important inforation in simple capital letters. They relate to the genre because this is advertising a well known r'n'b female artist. Also, her clothes and her apearence demonstrates the yound,trndy audiences that would be attractedby this such as our singer.

The colour scheme is red, highlighting her new change of hairstyle. The artists name and title o the album are the biggest. So the audience can read it from far. All of the font is the same which makes it seem professional. I like the fact the front cover goes very well with the advert. It relates to the r'n'b gnere because she is an r'n'b artist and such as our singer Amber Gold, she is pictured outside that doesn't seem urban yet from her well-known songs that are titled at the bottom of the advert. The audience are able to associate the singer very quickly.