I decided to pick this album cover as one of my choices because i like the simplicity of the background as it as has a design matching the font of the artsist name which i could use for my digipack cover. Such as the artist in my music video, she is wearing gold so i could use the same kind of colour scheme. I think as an up and coming artist, i would use a closer photo of the artist to make it more recognisible tot he viewer.
This artist is also wearing gold but has a black ground which i think is effective as it focuses on the artist more as well as contrasts with the gold color scheme. The writing is bold and clear which is also something i may do.
I like the text in this CD cover as it has the whole glow effect to it. Also it makes a good contrast with the purple background which is the same color i'll be using fr my front cover of my digipack.
All of these front covers relate to the genre as they are all r'n'b vocalists as well as female. They also attract the same kind of audience that our singer attracts. Also from the clothes they are all wearing, especially the last front cover, are clothes that appeal to the target market.
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