Thursday 2 December 2010

Analysis of 3 advertisments (Research)

Such as our singer Amber Gold. Beyonce featured in this advert is wearing a gold top, matching with the font. The colour scheme is basic yet effective. With the important inforation in simple capital letters. They relate to the genre because this is advertising a well known r'n'b female artist. Also, her clothes and her apearence demonstrates the yound,trndy audiences that would be attractedby this such as our singer.

The colour scheme is red, highlighting her new change of hairstyle. The artists name and title o the album are the biggest. So the audience can read it from far. All of the font is the same which makes it seem professional. I like the fact the front cover goes very well with the advert. It relates to the r'n'b gnere because she is an r'n'b artist and such as our singer Amber Gold, she is pictured outside that doesn't seem urban yet from her well-known songs that are titled at the bottom of the advert. The audience are able to associate the singer very quickly.

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